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  • Office de Tourisme Haut-Jura Saint-Claude - Visites guidées : Augustin raconte moi ta cathédrale

Office de Tourisme Haut-Jura Saint-Claude - Visites guidées : Augustin raconte moi ta cathédrale


Chèques vacances acceptés

Haut-Jura Saint-Claude Tourist Office - guided tours : Augustin, tell me about your cathedral

Come and discover the secrets of the cathedral of Saint-Pierre, Saint-Paul and Saint-André with Augustin the sparrow, from its foundation in 430 to the present day. Discover its hidden treasures, such as its altarpiece and stalls. Fun little games await you at each stage to unlock its mysteries.

Wednesdays during the spring and autumn school holidays.
Bookings required
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes


Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash


Office de Tourisme Haut-Jura Saint-Claude
3 Place de l'Abbaye

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