Le Tuyé du Papy Gaby


Langue parlée : Anglais Langue parlée : Allemand Wifi Parking T&H Moteur T&H mental T&H visuel T&H auditif

Situated at 900 m of altitude, our tuyé is the most impressive of the region with its 18m high. A playful area will welcome you and explain what the Saugeais Republic is and tell you the story of Papy Gaby. Then you will enter our Tuyé and we will give you explanations on the artisanal production of our products. Free visit and tasting.


Moyen de paiement : Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Cash

Practical information


Dates and time

    From 09h00 at 12h00 And From 14h00 at 18h30


2 lieu-dit Cotey
25650 GILLEY

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