Les Mercredis Créatifs


Creative Wednesdays:
Every Wednesday during the holidays, from 2.30 to 4.30 pm, try your hand at a variety of techniques and take part in a creative activity in the museum's educational room.
Weaving Landscape" workshop on 10 April: Take your inspiration from the Jura mountains or another landscape of your choice, and experiment with the weaving technique to create a colourful woollen canvas.
Papier découpé" workshop on 17 April: Use the magic of paper cut-outs to exercise your patience and concentration, and create some wonderful, delicate and poetic paintings!
Print Time" workshop on 24 April: Try your hand at linoleum engraving: armed with a gouge, ink and paper, you'll be able to create and print your own print!


  Min Max Information(s) complementaire(s)
Base rate 0 € 4 € The presence of an adult is essential: they pay if they wish to take an active part in the workshop, but do not pay if they are just accompanying someone.
Child rate 4

Dates and time

Wednesdays 10 April, 17 April and 24 April from 2.30 to 4.30 pm


Musée de la Lunette
Place Jean Jaurès

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